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Yes we've won awards...

...but we rarely seek them for ourselves. We prefer to concentrate on providing a service good enough for companies that want to win awards for themselves. We recognise that our success is built on the success of our clients (whether they win awards or not).

Highly commended - Fedrigoni Paper Awards -Stationery category

Highly Commended - Elliot Baxter - Brochure category

But more importantly award winning companies use us.

Winner of IoIC Agency of the Year 2013
B2B Marketing Awards 09 - Best Internal Marketing Campaign
ISP Awards 2009 - Bronze, Motivation Category
2007 MAA Worldwide Globe Awards - Best Dealer or Sales Force Activity
ISP Awards 2007 - Gold, Trade Promotions
ISP Awards 2007 - Gold, Consumer Durables
APMC Star Awards 2006 - Silver, B2B
2009 DBA Design Effectiveness Award
2008 DBA Design Effectiveness Award
2007 DBA Design Effectiveness Award
2006 DBA Design Effectiveness Award
2005 DBA Design Effectiveness Award
2005 Marketing Design Award
2006 CiB Excellence Award



Being a Platinum member of the British Printing industries Association has provided us with a solid foundation from which to build our business infrastructure. Continuous improvement in Training, Health and Safety, Business continuity, Employment policy and Quality management systems are among the documented procedures we are supported in by the BPIF.

To visit the BPIF web site click here



ISO12647 is the process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints.

We use the process to convert RGB images such as those captured from a digital camera or scanner into CMYK for printing.

By also profiling our platemaking and presses to each specific paper (including proofing paper) we can produce a graphic reproduction that closely matches the intended colours.

We have taken this a step further and trained our own staff to produce colour adjustments for any paper you may choose. We can achieve the best detail and colour saturation on any printable material. This has helped create an uncoated paper renaissance. Muddy colours and blurred details are a thing of the past. We now print less ink in areas requiring detail (to allow for the blotting/spreading effect) and more ink in rich colours (allowing for the absorbtion effect), while keeping all the colours balanced to the original tones. We allow for the absorbency, acidity and and printing surface of each different paper for each different colour sometimes by as much as 20% tint adjustments.



Listed in Printers Finder

Tel: 01923 774111
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